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Phylloscopus warblers: status summaries

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Waterford Birds: species status summaries

Greenish Warbler  Phylloscopus trochiloides


Vagrant in autumn: two records.


1985:      One, Brownstown Head, 15-17 October.

2006:      One, Brownstown Head, 3 September.


A total of 34 had been recorded in Ireland up to the end of 2009, the majority in Co Cork.



Pallas’s Warbler  Phylloscopus proregulus


Vagrant in autumn: three records.


1999:      One, Helvick Head, 25 October.

2003:      One (ringed), Brownstown Head, 12-13 November.

2010:      One, Brownstown Head, 16 November.


A total of 35 had been recorded in Ireland up to the end of 2009, the majority in Co Cork.



Yellow-browed Warbler  Phylloscopus inornatus


Rare but almost annual autumn-visitor.


First recorded in 1984, and a total of at least 31 individuals in the period 1984-2011.  With the exception of two in late September and one in mid November, all have occurred in October. A bird recorded at Brownstown Head during 11-18 November 1995 was the latest Irish occurrence up to that year.



Radde's Warbler Phylloscopus schwarzi


Vagrant in autumn: two records.


1985:      Helvick Head, 15 October (second Irish record).

2009:      Helvick Head, 10 October (16th Irish record).


The 1985 record followed the first Irish occurrence at Hook Head, Co Wexford on 30 October 1982. A total of 16 had been recorded in Ireland up to the end of 2009.



Western Bonelli’s Warbler  Phylloscopus bonelli


Vagrant in autumn: two records.


1981:      Brownstown Head, 12-18 September 1981 (fifth Irish record).

2005:      Brownstown Head, 30 October 2005.


Both of these occurred in the same garden on the headland. Following a review of records by the Irish Rare Birds Committee, the 1981 Waterford record became only the fifth confirmed Irish record of Western Bonelli’s Warbler, or the sixth Irish record of the ‘Bonelli’s warbler’ species-pair. (Eastern Bonelli’s Warbler Phylloscopus orientalis has no confirmed Irish records at the time of writing). Both Waterford birds gave the diagnostic call of the Western species.



Wood Warbler  Phylloscopus sibilatrix


Rare passage-migrant: one confirmed record.


2004:      Brownstown Head, trapped and ringed, 8 May 2004.


The species has been suspected in Co Waterford on several other occasions. As yet there have been no indications of the species breeding in the county.



Chiffchaff  Phylloscopus collybita


Common breeding summer-visitor and passage-migrant; regular winter-visitor in small numbers.


Birds showing characters (plumage and call) of one of the eastern subspecies - P. c. abietinus or 'Siberian' Chiffchaff P. c. tristis - are regularly recorded in autumn, winter and spring. The best-documented record of  'Siberian' Chiffchaff - considered a full species by some taxonomic authorities - involved a moulting bird at Brownstown Head from 25 March to 8 April 2012. This bird gave the diagnostic call, and some feathers shed when it was ringed are currently awaiting DNA analysis.



Iberian Chiffchaff                            Phylloscopus ibericus


Vagrant: one record - the first for Ireland.


2010:      Male, Brownstown Head, 16 June. Further details



Willow Warbler  Phylloscopus trochilus


Common breeding summer-visitor and passage-migrant.


Birds showing characters of the northern Scandinavian subspecies P. t. acredula are occaionally recorded in late autumn.

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