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Ringing recoveries: other passerines

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Ringing recoveries (from or to Co Waterford): other passerines
Last updated 22 March 2005.
Species, Ringing location, Recovery location, Circumstances,
age/sex, ring number coordinates, date, time, weight coordinates, date, time, weight distance, interval
Swallow Dosrius, Barcelona (Spain) Waterford Dead, trapped in house
986454 13-Oct-1999 22-May-2000 1387 km, 222 days
Swallow Kintyre, Strathclyde (Scotland) Waterford city Controlled/retrapped
Adult male 55.25N,05.39W 52.16N,07.07W 363 km
B109947 23-May-1981 30-Aug-1981 99 days
Sand Martin Cleveland Farm, Ashton Keynes, Woodstown Strand (Co Waterford) Controlled/retrapped
Juvenile (3J) Gloucestershire (England), 51.39N,01.54W 52.12N,06.59W 354 km WNW
K307812 9-Jul-1995 6-Jul-1997 728 days (2 yrs)
Sand Martin Coolfin (Co Waterford) Newtownstewart (Co Tyrone) Controlled/retrapped
Juvenile (3J) 19-Jul-1982 Aug_1983 1 yr
Robin Ballymacaw Waterford city Killed by cat
JS55330 Apr_1974 Jun_1974 2 months
Blackbird Norway Co Waterford [Recovered]
Sep_1986 Jan_1987 1 yr
Blackbird Waterford city Roresand, Grimstad, Aust Agder (Norway) Caught in mousetrap
4 (adult) 52.15N,07.06W 58.21N,08.32E 326 days
XB23354 26-Dec-1976 17-Nov-1977
Blackbird Ballymacaw (Co Waterford) Sogn & Fjordane (Norway) Killed by cat
CH41203 18-Mar-1973 11-Apr-1975 754 days (2 yrs)
Song Thrush Newcastle (Co Wicklow) Waterford city Hit glass, dead
1st-yr (3) 53.05N,06.04W 52.10N,06.57W 118 km SW
RX68727 18-Sep-1986 6-Nov-1986 49 days
Song Thrush Copeland Bird Observatory (Co Down) Waterford city Body found
1st-yr (3) 54.41N,05.31W 52.15N,07.06W 290 km
CH50923 14-Aug-1977 1-Jul-1980 1052 days (3 yrs)
Grasshopper Warbler Belle Lake (Co Waterford) Keysworth, Dorset (England) Controlled/retrapped
1st-yr (3) 52.11N,07.02W 50.42N,02.06W 379 km ESE
K839542 12-Aug-1996 17-Aug-1996, 0730 hrs, 12.8 g weight 5 days
Reed Warbler Belle Lake (Co Waterford) Near Youghal (Co Cork) Controlled/retrapped
Juvenile (3J) 52.11N,07.02W 51.56N,07.54W 65 km WSW
H427402 6-Aug-1995, 0700 hrs, 11.2 g weight 9-Aug-1995, 0600 hrs, 11.4 g weight 3 days
Chiffchaff Fornaght Bog (Co Waterford) Swansea (Wales) Taken by cat
Adult (4) 52.10N,06.58W 51.38N,03.57W 215 km ESE
9E7246 19-Sep-1987 25-Sep-1987 6 days
Chiffchaff Ballymacaw (Co Waterford) Ballymacaw Retrapped same place
Aug_1973 Jul_1975 2 yrs
Willow Warbler Kilbarry Bog (Co Waterford) Slapton Ley, Devon (England) Controlled/retrapped
Adult (4) 52.14N,07.08W 50.17N,03.39W 325 km SE
IC5192 21-Aug-1999 27-Aug-1999 6 days
Willow Warbler Fornaght Bog (Co Waterford) Bardsey Island (Wales) Controlled/retrapped
737321 Aug_1984 Apr_1985 8 months
Willow Warbler Fornaght Bog (Co Waterford) Lundy Island, Devon (England) Controlled/retrapped
1st-yr (3) 52.10N,06.58W 51.10N,04.40W 194 km SE
3-Sep-1982 11-Sep-1982 8 days
Goldcrest Brownstown Head (Co Waterford) Meols, Wirral, Merseyside (England) Controlled/retrapped
1st-yr male (3M) 52.08N,07.06W 300 km ENE
6V1431 3-Oct-2003 8-Oct-2004 371 days
Blue Tit Faithlegg (Co Waterford) Ballyhack (Co Wexford) Taken by a cat
Pullus/chick (1) 31-May-2003 6-Mar-2004 3 km SE
R205660 280 days
Blue Tit Brownstown Head (Co Waterford) Waterford city Controlled/retrapped
1st-yr female (3F) 52.08N,07.06W 52.15N,07.07W 13 km N (355 deg)
H934899 10-Oct-1994, 1500 hrs 18-Dec-1994, 0930 hrs, 8.5g weight 69 days
Starling Waterford city Glamorgan (Wales) Killed by cat
DB43456 Sep_1985 Oct_1992 7 yrs
Starling Waterford city Glamorgan (Wales) Killed by cat
XN29433 Jan_1987 Oct_1992 5.7 yrs
Raven Avoca (Co Wicklow) Dungarvan (Co Waterford) [Recovered]
Pullus/chick (1) 52.52N,06.13W 52.07N,07.46W 134 km
HW51755 9-Apr-1977 8-Sep-1981 1613 days (4.4 yrs)
Magpie Waterford city Couse (Co Waterford) Shot
ES14506 13-Oct-2002 11-Apr-2003 48 km, 180 days
Chaffinch Royken, Buskerud (Norway) Tramore (Co Waterford) Found dead
Full-grown female (2F) 59.46N,10.29E 52.10N,07.09W 1380 km SW
DB01258 2-Aug-1981 12-Jan-1982 163 days
Greenfinch Waterford Waterford Found dead
Adult male (4M) 22-Jan-1995 Apr_1998 0 km
VE23394 1171 days (3.2 yrs)
Greenfinch Dungarvan (Co Waterford) Shrewsbury, Shropshire (England) Found dead
1st-yr female (5F) 52.05N,07.37W 52.42N,02.44W 338 km NE
VE92086 2-Feb-1991 9-Aug-1993 919 days (2.5 yrs)
Greenfinch Dungarvan (Co Waterford) Dundrum (Co Tipperary) Trapped illegally
NA38892 Mar_1988 released August 1990 2.4 yrs
Linnet Calf of Man (Isle of Man) Waterford city Controlled/retrapped
full-grown female (2F) 54.03N,4.49W 155 miles SW
14-Oct-1968 c.15-Nov-1968 c.46 days
Bullfinch Brownstown Head (Co Waterford) Dunmore East (Co Waterford) Bird found
1st-yr female (3F) 52.08N,07.06W 52.09N,07.00W 7 km ENE (75 deg)
F122457 23-Oct-1989 13-Mar-1991 506 days


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