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Co Waterford bird records Nov-Dec 2007

Waterford bird records November-December 2007 
(details subject to verification or correction)
older records - archive

See migrant Lepidoptera page also (highlights below)

December 2007
Mon 31 Dec:
DUNGARVAN:  2 CATTLE EGRETS still present, but south of Killongford Estuary, at Ballyharrahan (X247895) left of the road to Helvick; Dark-bellied Brent Goose again at CBS school field.
Sun 30 Dec:
RAM HEAD:  Great Skua, 4 Red-throated Divers & 2 Fin Whales.
Nr THE VEE:  4 Crossbills just south (on Waterford side).
DUNGARVAN:  At least 1 CATTLE EGRET still present near Killongford.
TRAMORE BACKSTRAND (I-WeBS count):  Totals included 906 Brent Geese, 22 Little Grebes, 355 Black-tailed Godwits, 346 Knot, a Long-tailed Duck, &, at boating lake, an adult Ring-billed Gull & 1st-winter Mediterranean Gull; also a Merlin.
TRAMORE BAY:  3 Red-throated Divers.
Sat 29 Dec:
DUNGARVAN:  *2 CATTLE EGRETS in fields north of Killongford Estuary; female Eider off Ballynacourty Pier; Merlin at Ballyneety; Dark-bellied Brent Goose at CBS school field.
CLONEA STRAND:  Whimbrel, 2 Purple Sandpipers & 7 Great Northern Divers.
Fri 28 Dec:
VILLIERSTOWN QUAY (lower Blackwater):  Otter.
Thurs 27 Dec:
TRAMORE BACKSTRAND:  Green Sandpiper at Clohernagh, opposite Murphy's Bar; 53 Knot near the dump.
DUNMORE EAST:  4 Red-throated Divers & 5 Purple Sandpipers.
Tues 25 Dec:
GARRARUS:  *CATTLE EGRET (potentially 1st county record), present up to 2 January 2008.
RAM HEAD:  10 Red-throated Divers, a Fin Whale & 60+ Common Dolphins.
Mon 24 Dec:
BALLYLEMON:  Male Blackcap in garden; also Jays in Ballylemon Wood recently.
Sun 23 Dec:
BALLINVELLA (R. Bride):  Water Rail & 2 Jays.
Sat 22 Dec:
BALLINVELLA (R. Bride):  2 Jays, a Blackcap & a Chiffchaff.
Weds 19 Dec:
DUNGARVAN (I-WeBS count):  Totals included 1000+ Brent Geese, 31 Great Crested Grebes, 7 Red-throated & 3 Great Northern Divers; 7 Shoveler off the sports centre; Common Sandpiper at Barnawee.
CLONEA STRAND:  11 Red-throated & 5 Great Northern Divers, 230 light-bellied Brent Geese & an adult dark-bellied Brent.
Sat 15 Dec:
TRAMORE BOATING LAKE:  Adult Ring-billed Gull.
DERRIGAL, nr Coolfin:  Adult White-fronted Goose.
DUNGARVAN:  Adult Mediterranean Gull at Barnawee.
BRICKEY RIVER, nr Dungarvan:  Kingfisher, Dipper & Water Rail between Twomile & Knockmaon bridges.
LOWER BLACKWATER area:  2 Otters fishing below Dromana House;  2 Hen Harriers, and a Common Seal resting on sandbank, at Newport;  200+ Whooper Swans at Camphire;  large flock of Siskins at Ballyphilip East;  several hundred Fieldfares & Redwings in an orchard at Bawnlaur.
BLACKWATER CALLOWS:  Male Shoveler & 20 Whooper Swans near the Towers, with large numbers of Wigeon, Teal & Black-tailed Godwit; Common Sandpiper at Ballyduff & 40-50 Whooper Swans west of Ballyduff.
Mon 10 Dec:
RAM HEAD:  At least 2 Fin Whales, also 2 Porpoises and c150 Common Dolphins - see IWDG website article.
Sat 8 Dec:
DUNGARVAN:  Kingfisher at Devonshire Bridge.
Weds 5 Dec:
BALLYRAFTER WOOD, LISMORE:  Several Jays & an unseasonal Red Admiral.
Sun 2 Dec:
LISNAKILL CROSS (nr Kilmeaden):  Brambling with large flock of Chaffinches.
TOURIG ESTUARY (nr Youghal):  Whimbrel on Waterford side.
Sat 1 Dec:
BALLYNACOURTY POINT:  Merlin at lighthouse.
DUNGARVAN:  Common Sandpiper at Barnawee, 6 Shoveler off pitch & putt course.
HELVICK HEAD:  Merlin, Black Redstart & a Porpoise.
RINCREW (Tourig/Blackwater estuary):  2nd-winter (& probable 1st-winter) Yellow-legged Gull & an intermedius-type Lesser Black-backed Gull on or near Waterford side.  [Also 2 argentatus-type Herring Gulls on Cork side.]

November 2007
COMERAGH/MONAVULLAGH MOUNTAINS:  Red Grouse recorded at two locations in 10-km square S20 (tetrads S20X & S20Z) this month.
WEST WATERFORD:  Buzzard recorded at at least three locations.
Thurs 29 Nov:
WHITING BAY:  2 adult Ring-billed Gulls, 4 Red-throated Divers & a Hen Harrier.
Sun 25 Nov:
POULDREW, nr Coolfin:  200 Greylag Geese & a White-fronted Goose.
RINCREW, nr Youghal:  Chiffchaff [also adult & 2nd-winter Yellow-legged Gulls on Cork side].
Thurs 22 Nov:
TOURIG ESTUARY, nr Youghal:  Juvenile *SPOTTED SANDPIPER still present near the new Youghal bypass bridge; mainly on Waterford bank.  Also a Common Sandpiper in the same general area recently.
DARRIGAL, nr Coolfin:  200 Greylag Geese.
Tues 20 Nov:
TOURIG ESTUARY, nr Youghal:  Juvenile *SPOTTED SANDPIPER still present.
DUNGARVAN (I-WeBS count):  Totals included 1350+ (possibly 1580) Brent Geese, 230+ Shelduck, 4+ Shoveler, 24 Great Crested Grebes, 160+ Knot, 33 Greenshank, 4,  a Common Sandpiper (at Ballyneety) & 2 Water Rails (at the Brickey estuary / Killongford).
Sun 18 Nov:
KNOCKMEALDOWN MOUNTAINS:  2 Red Grouse at Glentaunemon.
DUNGARVAN:  7 adult Whooper Swans at Ballyneety (first site record?), 2 Curlew Sandpipers opposite Park Hotel, 2 Common Sandpipers at Barnawee, & 11 Shoveler (3 ad males & a 1st-w male) off the pitch & putt course.
CAMPHIRE (Bride/Blackwater confluence):  249 Whooper Swans & a single Greylag Goose.
DEERPARK/KILLAHALY (nr Lismore):  Flock of 95 Siskin feeding in alders.
RAM HEAD:  3 Red-throated Divers, 4 Porpoises and a Rissos' Dolphin (see IWDG website).
Sat 17 Nov:
DUNGARVAN:  7 Shoveler (3 males) off pitch & putt course.
BLACKWATER CALLOWS:  2 Shoveler (m + f).
TEMPLEMICHAEL (lower Blackwater):  Kingfisher & Common Sandpiper.
RINCREW (Tourig/Blackwater estuary):  Yellow-legged Gull at Waterford side.
Fri 16 Nov:
COLLIGAN, nr Dungarvan:  Hen Harrier flew over road.
Weds 14 Nov:
TOURIG ESTUARY, nr Youghal:  Juvenile *SPOTTED SANDPIPER (2nd county record) near the new Youghal bypass bridge; mainly on Waterford bank.
Sun 11 Nov:
ARDMORE:  Adult Mediterranean Gull.
DERRIGAL/COOLFIN:  84 Greylag Geese.
TRAMORE BAY:  405 Brent Geese at Rinneshark.
BROWNSTOWN HEAD:  Merlin & adult Mediterranean Gull.
Sat 10 Nov:
DUNGARVAN:  Adult Yellow-legged Gull & juvenile/1st-winter Curlew Sandpiper at Ballyneety, Black Redstart at pitch & putt club, & a BLACK BRANT (present since October).
BALLYVOONEY COVE:  2 Great Northern Divers.
Nr BUNMAHON:  Chiffchaff.
DUNABRATTIN BAY (Annestown/Boatstrand):  307 Herring & 163 Lesser Black-backed Gulls at night-roost.
Fri 9 Nov:
CAMPHIRE (nr Blackwater/Bride confluence):  202 Whooper Swans.
BLACKWATER CALLOWS:  Jay by the Towers near Lismore, & 26 Whooper Swans.
Early Nov:
DUNGARVAN:  Barnacle Goose.
Weds 7 Nov:
DUNGARVAN:  A harrier species flew north over the town.
Sun 4 Nov:
RINCREW (Tourig/Blackwater estuary):  560 Lesser Black-backed Gulls on the Co Waterford side.
WHITING BAY:  4 Red-throated Divers.
ARDOGINNA, nr Ardmore:  2 or 3 Tree Sparrows & a late Swallow.
RAM HEAD:  Great Northern Diver, 100+ Common Dolphins & 5 Porpoises.
DUNGARVAN:  595 Brent Geese at the Cunnigar.
Sat 3 Nov:
WHITING BAY:  A late (or wintering?) Whimbrel.
RAM HEAD:  Single Humpback, Fin & Minke Whales, c.100 Common Dolphins & 2 Porpoises - see article on IWDG website; also a Red-throated Diver and late Red Admiral.
ARDMORE BAY:  5 Mediterranean Gulls (3 adults + 2 1st-winters), and an Otter c.1 km from the shore.
Nr ARDMORE: 2 further Red Admirals.
Fri 2 Nov:
ARDMORE:  Two Mediterranean Gulls (adult + 1st-winter) & a late Sandwich Tern.
Thurs 1 Nov:
BALLINAMULT:  Male Hen Harrier.

.click below for larger images

Siskin, female, Dungarvan town, 25 Dec 2007 © M Cowming

Siskin, male, Dungarvan town, 25 Dec 2007 © M Cowming

Goldfinch, Dungarvan town, 25 Dec 2007 © M Cowming

Ring-billed Gull, adult, Tramore boating lake, 15 Dec 2007 © M Cowming

White-fronted Goose, adult, Derrigal, 15 Dec 2007 © M Cowming

Spotted Sandpiper, Tourig estuary, 22 Nov 2007 © C Cullen

Little Egret, Barnawee, Dungarvan, 18 Nov 2007 © M Cowming


Whooper Swans, Ballyneety, Dungarvan, 18 Nov 2007 © M Cowming

Yellow-legged Gull, adult, Rincrew, 17 November 2007 © M Cowming

Note: Sightings listed here are reports, not necessarily authenticated records.  * = species for which the Irish Rare Birds Committee currently requires substantiating descriptions or photographs.  Records are regularly updated, and older records added or amended where necessary .  Many thanks to observers who provided records above - any further records (current or older) would be appreciated.  
Please email any sightings, or text details of scarcer species to 0861701599; to report sightings of rarities to the national  Birds of Ireland News Service (BINS), phone 01-8307364.

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